Background Musics by Christopher Sisk

Background Musics

A collection of 12 songs designed as background music for a variety of shared common themes, situations, and thoughts within the human experience.

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Label: Christopher Sisk Music

Catalog #: CSM-CS002

Release Date: 2011-05-11

Runtime: 1 hr. 7 min.

What people are saying

"Background Musics" is a showcase of wonderfully sculpted works that take your mind off the many stresses of modern life and gently lays you down where life should always be.

Bandcamp Reviewer, Brian Bourassa

The album presents some shorter works that have a cinematic feel to them. Each piece is its own experience yet the track order gives a sagacity of an intro, body and end so to speak.

Bandcamp Reviewer, David Joseph

Can be played over and over and over...

Bandcamp Reviewer, Hærleif

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